
Current Members


David Nessim

M.Sc student
Los Angeles Building; Room 314 Givat Ram Campus Jerusalem ,91904, Israel

Grigory Zutler

Los Angeles Building; Room 314 Givat Ram Campus Jerusalem ,91904, Israel

Hen Okshtein

M.Sc student
Los Angeles Building; Room 318 Givat Ram Campus Jerusalem ,91904, Israel

Mattan Hurevich

Associate Professor at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Faculty of Science, The Institute of Chemistry
Los Angeles Building; Room 312 Givat Ram Campus Jerusalem ,91904, Israel

B.Sc., 2001, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem; M.Sc., 2004, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Ph.D., 2010, The Hebrew University of (advisor: Chaim Gilon); Postdoctoral Training, 2010-2014, Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces, Potsdam, Germany (advisor: Peter H. Seeberger); 2015-2017, Senior scientists, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem; Assistant Professor, 2017-present, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem 

Research interests:

Automated and photochemical synthesis of oligosaccharides, N- / O- glycopeptides Syntheses of multi phosphorylated peptides Development of biosensors based on oligosaccharide, peptides and glycopeptides Enzymatic glycosylation and hydrolysis of oligosaccharides


Automated glycan assembly using the Glyconeer 2.1 synthesizer. Hahm, H.S., et al. PNAS., 114, 3385-3389 (2017).

Automated assembly of oligosaccharides containing multiple cis-glycosidic linkages. Hahm, H.S., et al. Nat Comm., 7, 12482 (2016).

Automated glycopeptide assembly by combined solid-phase peptide and oligosaccharide synthesis. Hurevich, M., et al. Chem Comm., 50, 1851-1853 (2014).

Personal details: Mattan was born and lives in Jerusalem, Israel. He is married and a proud father of two lovely daughters. His non-scientific time is devoted to Manchester United, Tom Waits, hiking, camping and reading books.

Selected publications:

A zinc selective oxytocin based biosensor. Mervinejsky, E., et al. J Mat Chem B., 8, 155-160 (2020).

The Breaking Beads Approach for Photocleavage from Solid Support.  Bakhatan et al. Org Biomol Chem, in press

Diffusion enhanced amide bond formation on solid support. Naoum, J., et al. ACS Org Proc Res Dev., 23, 2733-2739 (2019).

Distinct G protein-coupled receptor phosphorylation motifs modulate arrestin affinity and activation and global conformation. Mayer, D., et al. Nat Comm., 10, 1261 (2019).

A targeted approach for the synthesis of multi-phosphorylated peptides: a tool for studying the role of phosphorylation patterns in proteins. Samarasimhareddy, M., et al. Org Biomol Chem., 14, 1860-1865 (2019).

Sulfation Patterns of Saccharides and Heavy Metal Ion Binding. Alshanski, I., et al. Chem Eur J., 25, 12083-12090 (2019).

Direct Assembly and Metal-Ion Binding Properties of Oxytocin Monolayer on Gold Surfaces. Mervinejsky, E., et al. Langmuir., 35, 11114-11122 (2019).

Electron Transport through Self-Assembled Monolayers of Tripeptides.. Mervinetsky, E., et al. JPCC., 123, 9600-9608 (2019).

Enhancing the Efficiency of the Solid Phase Peptide Synthesis (SPPS) Process by High Shear Mixing. Alshanski, I., et al. ACS Org Proc Res Dev., 22, 1318-1322 (2018).


Israel Alshanski

Post Doc.
Los Angeles Building; Room 314 Givat Ram Campus Jerusalem ,91904, Israel

Joint with Prof. Shlomo Yitzchaik

Main research topic:Stirred reactor development for solid phase synthesis and electrochemical biosensing of enzymatic processes


Nonscientific Interests: Tennis, music, traveling, chess, detective fiction and sci-fi literature, and movies



(1) Sukhran, Y.; Alshanski, I.; Filiba, O.; Mackintosh, M. J.; Schapiro, I.; Hurevich, M.; Unexpected Nucleophile Masking in Acyl Transfer to Sterically Crowded and Conformationally Restricted Galactosides. J. Org. Chem. 2023, In Press.

(2) Bakhatan, Y.; Alshanski, I.; Chan, C. K.; Lo, W. C.; Lu, P. W.; Liao, P.H.; Wang, C. C.; Hurevich, M.; Accelerated Solid Phase Glycan Synthesis: ASGS. Chem. Eur. J. 2023, 29, e20230089.

(3) Alshanski, I.; Toraskar, S.; Shitrit, A.; Gordon-Levitan, D.; Jain, P.; Kikkeri, R.; Hurevich, M.; Yitzchaik, S.; Biocatalysis versus Molecular Recognition in Sialoside-Selective Neuraminidase Biosensing. ACS Chem. Biol. 2023, 18, 605-614.

(4) Solomon, O.; Alshanski, I.; Shitrit, A.; Chen, Y.J.; Friedler, A.; Yitzchaik, S.; Using a single peptide to electrochemically sense multiple kinases. Biochemistry 2023, 62, 351-357.

(5) Shitrit, A.; Mardhekar, S.; Alshanski, I.; Jain, P.; Raigawali, R.; Shanthamurthy, D. C.; Kikkeri, R.; Yitzchaik, S.; Hurevich, M.; Profiling Heparan Sulfate-Heavy Metal Ions Interaction Using Electrochemical Techniques. Chem. Eur. J. 2022, 28, e20220219. Inside Cover.

(6) Alshanski, I.; Shitrit, A.; Sukhran, Y.; Unverzagt, C.; Hurevich, M.; Yitzchaik, S.; Effect of interfacial properties on impedimetric biosensing of sialylation process with biantennary N-glycan-based monolayer. Langmuir. 2022, 38 (2), 849–855.

(7) Brunori, F.; Kumar Padhi, D.; Alshanski, I.; Freyse, J.; Dürig, N. J.; Penk, A.; Vaccaro, L.; Hurevich, M.; Rademann, J.; Yitzchaik, S. Sulfation pattern dependent Iron (III) mediated interleukin-8 glycan binding. Chembiochem. 2022, 23, e20210055.

(8) Naoum, J.#; Alshanski, I.#; Mayer, G. #; Strauss, P.; Hurevich, M. Stirring Peptide Synthesis to a New Level of Efficiency. Org. Process Res. Dev. 2022. 26(1), 137-143

(9) Alshanski, I.; Shalev, D. E.; Yitzchaik, S.; Hurevich, M. Determining the Structure and Binding Mechanism of Oxytocin Cu2+ Complex Using Paramagnetic Relaxation Enhancement NMR Analysis. J. Biol. Inorg. Chem. 2021, 26, 809–815

(10) Alshanski, I.; Sukhran, Y.; Mervinetsky, E.; Unverzagt, C.; Yitzchaik, S.; Hurevich, M. Electrochemical Biosensing Platform Based on Complex Biantennary N-Glycan for Detecting Enzymatic Sialylation Processes. Biosens. Bioelectron. 2021, 172, 112762.

(11) Attia, J.; Nir, S.; Mervinetsky, E.; Balogh, D.; Gitlin-Domagalska, A.; Alshanski, I.; Reches, M.; Hurevich, M.; Yitzchaik, S. Non-Covalently Embedded Oxytocin in Alkanethiol Monolayer as Zn2+ Selective Biosensor. Sci. Rep. 2021, 11 (1), 1–7.

(12) Dery, S.#; Alshanski, I.#; Mervinetsky, E.; Feferman, D.; Yitzchaik, S.; Hurevich, M.; Gross, E. The Influence of Surface Proximity on Photoswitching Activity of Stilbene-Functionalized N-Heterocyclic Carbene Monolayers. Chem. Commun. 2021, 57 (51), 6233–6236. Inside Cover, Featured in chemical communications HOT articles.

(13) Bakhatan, Y.; Alshanski, I.; Grunhaus, D.; Hurevich, M. The Breaking Beads Approach for Photocleavage from Solid Support. Org. Biomol. Chem. 2020, 18 (22), 4183–4188.

(14) Mervinetsky, E.#; Alshanski, I.#; Tadi, K. K.; Dianat, A.; Buchwald, J.; Gutierrez, R.; Cuniberti, G.; Hurevich, M.; Yitzchaik, S. A Zinc Selective Oxytocin Based Biosensor. J. Mater. Chem. B 2020, 8 (1), 155–160.

(15) Mervinetsky, E.; Alshanski, I.; Lenfant, S.; Guerin, D.; Medrano Sandonas, L.; Dianat, A.; Gutierrez, R.; Cuniberti, G.; Hurevich, M.; Yitzchaik, S.; Vuillaume, D. Electron Transport through Self-Assembled Monolayers of Tripeptides. J. Phys. Chem. C 2019, 123 (14), 9600–9608.

(16) Synhaivska, O.; Mermoud, Y.; Baghernejad, M.; Alshanski, I.; Hurevich, M.; Yitzchaik, S.; Wipf, M.; Calame, M. Detection of Cu2+ Ions with GGH Peptide Realized with Si-Nanoribbon ISFET. Sensors 2019, 19 (18), 4022.

(17) Naoum, J. #; Alshanski, I.#; Gitlin-Domagalska, A.; Bentolila, M.; Gilon, C.; Hurevich, M. Diffusion Enhanced Amide Bond Formation on Solid Support. Org. Process Res. Dev. 2019, 23, 2733–2739.

(18) Mervinetsky, E.; Alshanski, I.; Buchwald, J.; Dianat, A.; Lončarić, I.; Lazić, P.; Crljen, Ž.; Gutierrez, R.; Cuniberti, G.; Hurevich, M.; Yitzchaik, S. Direct Assembly and Metal - Ions Binding Properties of Oxytocin Monolayer on Gold Surfaces. Langmuir 2019, 35 (34), 11114–11122. Inside Cover.

(19) Alshanski, I.; Blaszkiewicz, J.; Mervinetsky, E.; Rademann, J.; Yitzchaik, S.; Hurevich, M. Sulfation Patterns of Saccharides and Heavy Metal Ions Binding. Chem. Eur. J. 2019, 25 (52), 12083–12090. Inside Cover.

(20) Gankin, A.; Mervinetsky, E.; Alshanski, I.; Buchwald, J.; Dianat, A.; Gutierrez, R.; Cuniberti, G.; Sfez, R.; Yitzchaik, S. ITO Work Function Tunability by Polarizable Chromophore Monolayers. Langmuir 2019, 35, 2997–3004.

(21) Tadi, K. K.; Alshanski, I.; Hurevich, M.; Yitzchaik, S. PH Controlled Impedimetric Sensing of Copper (II) Ion Using Oxytocin as Recognition Element. Surfaces 2018, 1 (1), 90–95.

(22) Samarasimhareddy, M.; Alshanski, I.; Mervinetsky, E.; Hurevich, M.; Photodeprotection of up to Eight Photolabile Protecting Groups from a Single Glycan. Synlett 2018, 29 (07), 880–884.

(23) Alshanski, I.; Bentolila, M.; Gitlin-Domagalska, A.; Zamir, D.; Zorsky, S.; Joubran, S.; Hurevich, M.; Gilon, C. Enhancing the Efficiency of the Solid Phase Peptide Synthesis (SPPS) Process by High Shear Mixing. Org. Process Res. Dev. 2018, 22, 1318–1322.

(24) Bentolila, M.; Alshanski, I.; Novoa, R.; Gilon, C. Optimization of Chemical Processes by the Hydrodynamic Simulation Method (HSM). Chemengineering 2018, 2 (2), 21.

(25) Mervinetsky, E.; Alshanski, I.; Hamo, Y.; Sandonas, L. M.; Dianat, A.; Buchwald, J.; Gutierrez, R.; Cuniberti, G.; Hurevich, M.; Yitzchaik, S. Copper Induced Conformational Changes of Tripeptide Monolayer Based Impedimetric Biosensor. Sci. Rep. 2017, 7 (1), 1–7.

(26) Tadi, K. K.; Alshanski, I.; Mervinetsky, E.; Marx, G.; Petrou, P.; Dimitrios, K. M.; Gilon, C.; Hurevich, M.; Yitzchaik, S. Oxytocin-Monolayer-Based Impedimetric Biosensor for Zinc and Copper Ions. ACS Omega 2017, 2 (12), 8770–8778.

(27) Amiel, D. B. A.; Alshanski, I.; Hurevich, M. Automated Oligosaccharide Synthesis: Development of the Glyconeer®. Comprehensive Glycoscience, 2nd ed.; Elsevier B.V., 2021, 548-560.



Yasmeen Bakhatan

PhD. candidate
Los Angeles Building; Room 314 Givat Ram Campus Jerusalem ,91904, Israel

Yasmeen was born and raised in Jerusalem. She completed her Chemistry ,Birzeit University. and M.Sc. in chemistry in 2020 ,The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Her Current research is synthesis of a library of chitosan using Automated Glycan Assembly and automatic synthesis glycopeptides. Her hobbies include reading and playing tennis


• The Breaking Beads Approach for Photocleavage from Solid Support.  Bakhatan et al. Org Biomol Chem,2020


Yuval Farchy

Ph.D. candidate
Los Angeles Building; Room 314 Givat Ram Campus Jerusalem ,91904, Israel

B.Sc in the joint program for chemistry and biology, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

M. Sc student for Chemistry . 

Main research topic:synthesis of proteoglycan core glycan

Hobbies:Basktball, Tennis, Creative writing, D&D, Fountain pens and Inks, home-brewing, restorations

Roni Cohen

M.Sc student
Los Angeles Building; Room 314 Givat Ram Campus Jerusalem ,91904, Israel

B.Sc in joint ptogram of Chemistry and Biology and Amirim-Science(2020-2023).

M.Sc student in nanoscience and nanotechnolegy program.

Main research topic: Glycopeptides synthesis

Nonscientific Interests:Music,dancing ballet and reading books

Publication:D. Grunhaus, E. Rossich Molina, R. Cohen, T. Stein, A. Friedler
and M. Hurevich, Org. Proc. Res. Dev., 2022, 26, 2492–2497.


Dana Grunhaus

Ph. D candidate

Joint with Prof Assaf Friedler.

B.Sc. in Chemistry and Biology The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel. M.Sc in Chemistry The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.

The topic of my research is new methods for synthesis of peptides with post-translational modifications and their effect in biological systems.
Joint with Prof Assaf Friedler

1.  Grunhaus D., Friedler A., Hurevich M., (2021) Automated synthesis of heavily phosphorylated peptides.  Eur Joc.

2.  Bakhatan Y, Alshanski I, Grunhaus D, and Hurevich M (2020) The breaking beads approach for photocleavage from solid support. Org Biomol Chem 18:4183–4188.

3.  Faust O., Grunhaus D., Shimshon O., Yavin E., and Friedler A. (2018) Protein Regulation by Intrinsically Disordered Regions: A Role for Subdomains in the IDR of the HIV-1 Rev Protein. Chembiochem 19:1618-1624

4. Grunhaus D., Estefanía Rossich M., Cohen R., Stein T., Friedler A.*, Hurevich M.* (2022) Accelerated Multiphosphorylated Peptide Synthesis, Org. Process Res. Dev. 2022, 26, 8, 2492–2497

Yonatan Sukhran

Ph.D. candidate
Los Angeles Building; Room 314 Givat Ram Campus Jerusalem ,91904, Israel

Completed  B.Sc. double major in Chemistry and Life Sciences at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem in 2021, and  M.Sc. in Organic Chemistry at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem in 2023.

 Main Current research topic: solid phase synthesis of a library of sulfated carrageenans.

Nonscientific Interests: Woodworking and origami.


(1) Sukhran, Y.; Alshanski, I.; Filiba, O.; Mackintosh, M. J.; Schapiro, I.; Hurevich, M.; Unexpected Nucleophile Masking in Acyl Transfer to Sterically Crowded and Conformationally Restricted Galactosides. J. Org. Chem. 2023,88 (13),9313-9320.

(2) Bakhatan, Y.; Ben Abba Amiel, D.; Sukhran, Y.; Chan, C. K.; Lo, W. C.; Lu, P. W.; Liao, P. H.; Wang, C. C.; Hurevich, M. Translating Solution to Solid Phase Glycosylation Conditions. Chem. Commun. 2022, 58 (80), 11256–11259.

(3)Alshanski, I.; Shitrit, A.; Sukhran, Y.; Unverzagt, C.; Hurevich, M.; Yitzchaik, S.; Effect of interfacial properties on impedimetric biosensing of sialylation process with biantennary N-glycan-based monolayer. Langmuir. 2022, 38 (2), 849–855.

(4) Alshanski, I.; Sukhran, Y.; Mervinetsky, E.; Unverzagt, C.; Yitzchaik, S.; Hurevich, M. Electrochemical Biosensing Platform Based on Complex Biantennary N-Glycan for Detecting Enzymatic Sialylation Processes. Biosens. Bioelectron. 2021, 172, 112762.


Dror Ben Abba Amiel

Ben Abba Amiel
Ph. D candidate
Los Angeles Building; Room 314 Givat Ram Campus Jerusalem ,91904, Israel

Dror was born and lives in Jerusalem. He is married, and is a fan of basketball, hiking, nature photography and cooking. Academic career: B.Sc, 2016, Joint program for physics and chemistry, Hebrew University of Jerusalem; M.Sc, 2019, Hebrew University of Jerusalem. His Current research concerns synthesis of glycopeptide libraries.


(1) Ben Abba Amiel, D.; Kim, C.; Gidron, O. Oligofuran–Benzothiadiazole Co-Oligomers: Synthesis, Optoelectronic Properties and Reactivity. Org. Mater. 2021, 03 (02), 303–308.

(2) Ben Abba Amiel, D.; Alshanski, I.; Hurevich, M. Automated Oligosaccharide Synthesis: Development of the Glyconeer®. Compr. Glycosci. 2021, 548–560.


Roey Meir

Undergraduate student
Los Angeles Building; Room 314 Givat Ram Campus Jerusalem ,91904, Israel

 B.Sc student majoring in chemistry with a minor in biochemistry at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Main research topic: Glycosilation optimization and BB synthesis

Hobbies including reading, gardening, photography, calligraphy, playing guitar, winemaking, aviation, bookbinding, electronics, knitting and sewing

David Nessim

M.Sc student
Los Angeles Building; Room 314 Givat Ram Campus Jerusalem ,91904, Israel

B.Sc in chemistry, Universidad del Valle de México, México, D.F.

M.Sc in chemistry. 

Main research topic: N-Glycans 



Grigory Zutler

Los Angeles Building; Room 314 Givat Ram Campus Jerusalem ,91904, Israel

B.Sc student in chemistry and mathematics 

Main research topic:Synthesis of sulfonated derivatives of galactose

Hobbies:Reading, painting, traveling



Hen Okshtein

M.Sc student
Los Angeles Building; Room 318 Givat Ram Campus Jerusalem ,91904, Israel in biochemistry and food science.


Main research topic: glycan&peptide based bio-sensors

Hobbies:Reading, Cooking, baking, solid state fermentation