A zinc selective oxytocin based biosensor | Mattan Hurevich

A zinc selective oxytocin based biosensor


Mervinetsky, E. ; Alshanski, I. ; Tadi, K. K. ; Dianat, A. ; Buchwald, J. ; Gutierrez, R. ; Cuniberti, G. ; Hurevich, M. ; Yitzchaik, S. . A Zinc Selective Oxytocin Based Biosensor. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY B 2020, 8, 155-160.

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Oxytocin is a peptide hormone with high affinity to both Zn2+ and Cu2+ ions compared to other metal ions. This affinity makes oxytocin an attractive recognition layer for monitoring the levels of these essential ions in biofluids. Native oxytocin cannot differentiate between Cu2+ and Zn2+ ions and hence it is not useful for sensing Zn2+ in the presence of Cu2+. We elucidated the effect of the terminal amine group of oxytocin on the affinity toward Cu2+ using theoretical calculations. We designed a new Zn2+ selective oxytocin-based biosensor that utilizes the terminal amine for surface anchoring, also preventing the response to Cu2+. The biosensor shows exceptional selectivity and very high sensitivity to Zn2+ in impedimetric biosensing. This study shows for the first time an oxytocin derived sensor that can be used directly for sensing Zn2+ in the presence of Cu2+. 





Last updated on 09/04/2023